Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Pregnancy Signs

Ok so another month has passed and i am not pregnant!

so i have been looking on the web so see what i should be looking out for when/if i become preganat

  • Feeling Sick
Knew this one already, apparently this can happy almost immediatly after you concieve = AWSOME

  • Needing to wee a lot
I am known to my friends as Princess Piss Pants due to the fact i am always running to the toilet (not because i wet myself) just to clear that one up! So i expect when i am finally preganat i wouldnt notice as im always on the loo as it is!

  • Feeling Tired
This apprently can hapen as early as 1 week after conception! this i did not know.

  • Darker and/or tender nipples
I may now be checking my nipples on a daily basis but if im honest unless it is REALLY noticable i probable would see it.

  • A metal like taste in the mouth
How odd, but i have heard of this before.

  • Lower back ach
would probably misstake this for period pains or visa versa! Although this is normally for the latter part of the pregnancy

  • Implantation Bleeding
6-12 days after conception when that little embrio finds a home on the wall of the uterous aww, apparently you can experience cramping too!

  • Feeling Dizzy or Faint
This can happen at any point in the pregnancy

  • Food Cravings
ahh the dreaded one! i will end up the size of a house!

Love Aimee


Friday, 10 February 2012

The getting pregnant checklist

Getting pregnant Stop using contraception
Work out when you ovulate
Record you discharge
learn about ovulation
Keep your fella away from Hot tubs
Keep note of your basal body temperature
Boxers not pants!
Ovulation kits
Have Sex
Dont Use Lube
Have a fun sex life

Diet & fitnessGet to a healthy weight
dont smoke
Take vitamins
Have a healthy diet - eat those Veg!
exercise lightly
Kick the booze!
Reduce caffene

Love Aimee


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Conception Tips

you all know i am basically trying to have a baby currently un successfully... so i have enlisted google in an attempt to get some hints and tips on getting that pesky sperm and egg to meet....

this is what i have come up with....



well duh i wondered how i was meant to get pregnant ....

they go on to say regular sex at least 3 times a week, this makes more sense, this apparently covers the unpredictable woman .. i.e she has no clue when she ovulates

That would be me, if I'm not pregnant this month i a going to fork out on a very expensive ovulation test.....

Although if I'm not already pregnant and i fall next month that means I'm stuck with the pesky Christmas baby, which will be sad as its not so special if its that time of year so i hear?

Leads me onto point 2....

Use an ovulation Tester kit.

Yes yes i know i should of brought it from the word go but they are expensive and I'm trying to actually save for the bits a baby will actually need.... might go buy it now though!

Good Sex Position...

Ok so not on top... this causes leakage NOT a good thing, so stay on your back (yay a reason to be lazy haha). don't get up straight away and put a pillow under your bum.

don't all this and still nothing :O(

Take Prenatal Vitamins

Doing this been doing it for over a month .. reminds me must buy more!

See your doctor

well i tried this and got good luck and don't use a condom! well arnt you helpful

Put your legs in the air

well this is amusing i do it every time and my husband just laughs, its ok i know i look a fool BUT it might work!

Hope you like my tips...

Love Aimee


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Got the All Clear

Hi everyone, i phoned my doctor yesterday for my blood test results.... I DON'T HAVE PCOS

I am the happiest girl alive and i just celebrated by eating a large bar of mint Aero!

So just to catch up... i have been on my Multi Vits for pre conception.... eating healthy .. well except for the aero and reading lots of baby related books..

I'm really hoping this moth will be it but i don't think it is... pre period symptoms have already started


I'm going to research "conception techniques" it cant hurt right??

Love Aimee
