Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Not this Month

So it would appear that unfortunately this month didn't quite do it, i know i probably shouldn't have gotten my hopes up... but when Flo came today it did make me a little sad.

I only came off the pill in December so yes i understand it can take time to get things all up and running again but it doesn't stop me having a little hope!

So i have started taking my vitamins - currently on cheapies which probably are not doing anything. I want to get better ones but am stuck what to go for as there are so many choices. 

I have to choose between Sanatogen Mother to be
Sanatogen Mother To Be

And Pregnacare Conception

There isn't much between the price but i have a feeling I'm going to have to spend a few days researching it!

has anyone ever used them? whats your thoughts?

Aimee xx


  1. Hi Aimee!
    I used Pregnacare before I fell pregnant with my eldest, was trying for 6 months (which time I was on Pregnacare) then fell pregnant. I have thyroid issues so was told it was unlikely I would conceive naturally, or if I did I would miscarry but I now have two healthy boys! Hope everything goes well for you, will keep fingers crossed! Iona xxx

  2. Dont get down! If you just came off the pill it might take a few months. My best friend just gave birth to her baby girl and it took them about 3 or 4 months to conceive. She was 27 and hadnt been on birth control in years! Best of luck to you,


    1. thanks for your blog link hun x

      thank you for the kind words too xx
